This skilfully rolled tea is made out of hand picked tender buds from the very best organic tea estate, situated in a totally un-spoilt environment in the misty hills of Sri Lanka.
This fine tea grows without any artificial aid to enhance production resulting in a pure product deemed very healthy.
Ceylon green teas generally have the fuller body and the more pungent, rather malty, nutty flavour characteristic. Overall, the green teas from Sri Lanka have its own characteristics. They tend to be darker in both the dry and infused leaf, and their flavour is richer. At this time, Sri Lanka remains a very minor producer of green teas and its green teas, like those of India and Kenya, remain an acquired taste.
Green Tea Benefits:
1. Antioxidants in Green Tea can help protect your body against damage from free radicals and slows down the effects of aging.
2. Green Tea's synergistic combination of caffeine and antioxidant help you lose weight.